Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Diagnosis: Short Guy Syndrome

Diagnosis: Short Guy Syndrome

     No, I am not talking about “little people.”  I am talking about that short guy at the gym lifting weights and grunting so that everyone in the weight room knows it.  I am talking about that excessively obnoxious vertically challenged guy that has an answer for everything.  I am talking about the little guy everyone knows that can drink, drink some more, and then some.  I am talking about Short Guy Syndrome, and it is plaguing our nation’s stunted males.
     We have all heard the phrase, “Nice guys finish last.”  But where do short guys finish?  What about short nice guys?  Numerous studies have shown that tall men are more likely to receive better jobs and higher pay than short men.  Calling upon the cliché “tall, dark, and handsome,” studies have also indicated that women prefer taller, dominant men for mates.  It appears that short guys are at a disadvantage from the start.
     How do short guys make up for their shortcomings?  They develop a completely different psychological approach to life.  Short males make up for the feeling of inferiority by making themselves bigger in other ways.  They must work tirelessly at their jobs to get noticed by management, develop extremely extroverted personalities so that they are heard, and suffer the rejection of many women until at last they find someone that is either shorter than them or likes shorter men.  They develop a “kill or be killed” mentality.
     The prognosis is not totally abysmal for the shorter individuals in society though.  Sports exist where short guys have a decided advantage (e.g. horse jockeys, gymnasts, wrestlers).  Many companies now promise that they are equal opportunity employers.  The United States as a whole contains a more accepting society than it once did.  While there may never be a cure, everyone can help by learning to be more understanding of short guys’ need to feel larger than life and respect them not for their outward appearance but for their inward strength.  Short guys need loving too.


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